Letter from the Board Chair
Dear Friend of GTC,
It feels strange to write that in the time of Covid. Friend does not seem a word large enough to hold all that you make possible.
I hope you have seen what you help make happen in person. If not, here we are! Youth, staff and board serving our community because of you. Your friendship has never felt more vital to me, our staff, our youth and those we serve who understand how you make what we do possible.
We cannot capture everything here but these pictures and words are snapshots of the transformation, on the land, in the hearts and minds of our community and in the aspirations and accomplishments of our youth. They tell the story of what we have done together. My only wish is that we had more pictures of you. Think of this as our love letter to you. Please send us your photos. We would love to see you, even if only in print.
We miss you but we know that we are still together, even if a few feet apart.
Sending love and care and hope,
P.S. Our newest board member, Mabeline Velez, is one of our original youth leaders all grown up with an MS in Epidemiology from UMass Amherst! She recruited me to GTC when she was in high school! I like to call her our O.G., Original Grower.